Sig Middleware Weblogicserver Cluster
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During the research for this session I examined the examples delivered with the Weblogic server. You can find them in your local installation at
There are two cluster examples available. First one is about a statefull session bean and the second one about HTTP Session Failover.
If you run the statefull session bean example, you will notice that you don't see any message about a happening failover. I need to digg into this a bit deeper, cause the documentation states, that you should (!) see a message. Anyway: If you would like to find out, on which node you are running, you can simply use a weblogic server MBean to find out:
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
MBeanHome mbeanHome = (MBeanHome) ic.lookup("");
String nodeName = mbeanHome.getMBeanServer().getServerName();
And yes, I know, that the MBeanHome interface is deprecated since the ;) But it's a quite short way to figure it out. It was replaced by standard JMX design patterns in which clients use the interface to discover MBeans, attributes, and attribute types at runtime.