This was the point where I started to try getting CDI examples to work with GlassFish v3, CDI/Weld, Maven and Eclipse.
For those of you, haven't made it. Here is the how-to (I am using versions with the numbers in brackets):
1) Get:
- Maven (2.2.1)
- Eclipse (3.6M2)
- GlassFish (v3 build 74.2)
2) Create a maven project using:
mvn archetype:create -DartifactId=cditests -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp
3) Add a my-webapp\src\main\java folder to it
4) Add the following dependencies to the my-webapp\pom.xml
5) Add an empty file named beans.xml to my-webapp\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF
6) run mvn eclipse:eclipse for making this an eclipse based project
7) add your code
8) run mvn clean install (compile / package)
9) deploy it to your GlassFish domain
10) think about enhancing this with JSF 2.0 ;)
If you want to have the complete Java EE 6 Web Profile functionality, you could also use the complete dependency (thanks to @alexismp)