Customizing the Look and Feel of the Weblogic Server Admin Console
Did you ever wonder, if you could customize the look and feel, that comes
with the weblogic server admin console? You can :)
The administration console is a weblogic portal application that uses skins and skeletons
like they exist in the weblogic portal.
If you need to make changes to it, you now only need to know where to do them.
The consoleapp is located in your <middleware_home>\wlserver_10.3\server\lib\consoleapp.
Before making any changes: Make a backup of the original consoleapp!!!
Now you have to look through it and search for the basic skin that is used. It is called
wlsconsole and you can find it in webapp\framework\skins\wlsconsole.
Next stept is to open the css files and change the desired parts. You can also have a look
at the provided images and change them.
If you are finished with the basic changes, you can possibly make more detailed changes.
Look at the main webapp directory. There you can find another interesting file. It is called console.portal
and contains the basic definition of all console related ui elements.
More tweaks in next posts.
Links to read:
BEA WebLogic Portal 10.2 Documentation:
Customizing the Administration Console
User Interface Development with Look And Feel Features