Breaking news: Java EE 6 is done!

Markus Eisele
As posted 30 minutes ago by Roberto, the JEE 6 spec is finaly done!

Breaking news: Java EE 6 is done! The final approval ballot closed 9 minutes ago.

Intel and SAP abstained from the vote. SpringSource did not vote at all.
The Apache Software Foundation voted with no. All others voted yes. Therefore the Executive Committee for SE/EE has approved the final approval ballot.

As usual, there are many complaints about the licensing model (missing "full license terms") . This is also the base for the ASF vote.

On 2009-11-30 Apache Software Foundation voted No with the following comment:
The Apache Software Foundation's vote is based on the point of view that this spec lead - Sun - is in violation of the JSPA

and therefore shouldn't be allowed to lead other JSRs until the above matter is resolved.

This vote is not a comment on the technical merits of the JSR. If not for the issue of the spec lead, the ASF would have otherwise voted "yes".

IBM complained about the newest JSRs included very late into the umbrella specification.

With the exception of the JSR 330 and JSR 299 injection support defined by the EE 6 platform, we believe that this new specification brings value to the industry. We remain concerned that the injection support defined by the platform will create unnecessary difficulties for the community. IBM will continue to support both expert groups in the development of a single integrated and extensible injection programming model.

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