Kevin asks in his recent poll what do you think about the current pace of Java 7 / Java 8 development? It's not finished today and only 163 votes were given, but I'll try to explain what I think about the past, pace and what should happen in…
Continue ReadingA week after, the images arrived. And I found some time to do the postprocessing. This is what came out after walking around with the 7D of Bjoern and the speedlight and lenses from Bernd. A big "Thank you guys!" for letting me use your equipment! I…
Continue ReadingThis one was on my list of things to buy for quite some time. The only reason for this is simple: Oracle JRockit is one of the industry’s highest performing Java Virtual Machines and I loved it's JIT everything approach since the beginning. I did not mana…
Continue ReadingMy last conference day started not too early. Ed and me had an eigth o'clock breakfast appointment and we drove to the ccn afterwards. So we managed to see the first sessions starting at nine. I was not feeling like taking pictures that day. I simply carr…

The second day at the 2010 DOAG conference started more or less in time. After a longer evening it needs some discipline to get up early to be at a 10:00 talk. I arrived timely and had some time to get a last minute glimpse at my slides and even check network…

It started yesterday. The DOAG 2010, the German Oracle Usergoup Conference. After a very quick ride by car (it is held in Nuremberg which really close to Munich) I did my check-in things and tried to make me comfortable with everything which is going on. I ag…

One day to go. The 2010 DOAG (German Oracle Users Group) Conference starts tomorrow in the CCN CongressCenter Nuremberg East. There are a couple of ACEs and ACED out there. Additionally you can find a couple of well know Oracle people attending and giving s…

I am playing around with JBoss Arquillian these days. Arquillian provides a easy mechanism to test your application code inside a remote or embedded container or by interacting as a client of the container. Having all those integration testing issues since …

Playing around with mobile app development recently one question comes up over and over again: Should I write a native app, rely on the browser capabilities or even take the flash/air approach? As you might have guessed, this is not an easy answer. But there …
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