Time for some more soft-skill knowhow :) Found this series quite some time ago. A whole website dedicated to skills a software architect should have. Of corse not only related to skills. Its about thinks an architect should keep in mind. Wan't to know m…
Continue ReadingLogDigger provides Java web application developers with instant access to application log messages directly from Firefox. LogDigger is an extension for Firefox and Firebug that collects Log4j log messages related to requested application URL and shows them in…

I was looking around the web to catch up with my favorite pages these days and came across an interesting blog. You might already know Jack van Hoof. Jack’s interests lie in IT technology trends and innovation; combined with three decades of extensive pract…

Google and Microsofts OpenXML
Google started to support Microsoft's Office Open XML formats in Gmail and web search. You can now view as HTML documents created using Microsoft Office 2007: .docx documents, .xslx spreadsheets and .pptx presentations. Google Docs doesn't yet support…

in a hurry
in a hurry , originally uploaded by myfear . The right posting for today. I feel like I am in a constant hurry. Can't tell you why. I am still not arranged with the new wintertime and it seems as if my body and soul decided to wait for the summe…

Some say Enterprise JavaBeans earned its reputation for complexity one burned out programmer at a time. But developers today have begun to notice that EJB 3 is an entirely different animal. Convention over configuration, annotations, dependency injection, and…
Continue ReadingA new article of mine was published on 31.10.08. This one is about goal oriented pusiness process management based on LS/ABPM from Whitestein Technolgies . Again it is only available in german.