I've been posting some content around Docker since a while and I like to play around with containers in general. You can find some more information about how to run Docker-Machine on Windows and also showed you how to use the Docker 1.6 client . One of…
Continue ReadingThis is a feature post written by Tonya Rae Moore ( @tonyaraemoore , website ). Long years working for Oracle as the caretaker for Java.net, she went over to help with kick-starting ZEEF marketing. Working with communities and individuals has always been he…

I've been playing around with Docker a lot lately. Many reasons for that, one for sure is, that I love to play around with latest technology and even help out to build a demo or two or a lab. The main difference, between what everybody else of my coworker…
Continue ReadingThe Eclipse Foundation announced today, that Red Hat has become a strategic member of the Eclipse Foundation. Red Hat has been a long-time solution member of the Eclipse Foundation and actively involved in the Eclipse open source community. As a new strateg…
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