Short head ups, that I am speaking at the Oracle Developer Day happening during the OOP 2013 happening from 21st to 25th January 2013 Munich/Germany. I will hopefully be able to show you some of Oracle's Java Service Cloud offering and guide you through t…
Continue ReadingYou all know about the Java Community Process (JCP), don't you? The JCP is the mechanism for developing standard technical specifications for Java technology. Anyone can register for the site and participate in reviewing and providing feedback for the J…
Continue ReadingThis has been an exciting week. After leaving JavaOne this was the next conference on my schedule. Somehow insane given the fact, that I hardly had a chance to clear all the work that has been left over. Leaving for Devoxx on a Sunday was a good thing. No ru…
Continue ReadingPolyglot persistence has been in the news since some time now. Kicked off by the famous Fowler post from end 2011 I see more an more nice ideas coming up. Latest one was a company internal student project in which we used Scala as a backend persisting data i…