It was known as " The Neverending Story ". The JSR kicked of 11 and a half year ago and passed the JSR Review Ballot on 06 Mar, 2001 . If you ever wondered what it takes to get a fancy low JSR number in the hundreds: That is the secret. Unlike in th…
Continue ReadingIt is conference season for the " Heroes of Java " and this is a good time to publish another entry. This time I am celebrating the 20th edition of the series with Angelika Langer. Thanks for taking the time answering my questions! Angelika Langer…

This has been in the inbox for far too long. I apologize for not being able to bring this out more timely but beside my "night-job" I also do have a day-job and a family. But this post shouldn't be about complaining but about a new book. Packt s…
Continue ReadingThe year is nearing it's end and there are new speaking opportunities coming up still. Next chance for you to see me speak is at the Jayday which will happen on the 3rd of December in Munich in the Kongressgarten, Munich Germany . The JayDay Munich is …
Continue ReadingIt always ends different than thought. I aimed at doing a blog-post per day for my recent San Francisco trip. But it simply wasn't doable. Far too many things going on in parallel and I didn't had a minute to spare during the week. Being back in Germa…
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