Developer Interview (#DI17) with Alex Soto (@alexsotob) Arquillian, Docker and Testing In Containers

Markus Eisele
Developer Interview time again. Not a Friday, but it was recorded on one. And because it is so awesome, I decided to push it out as soon as I can. Fellow Arquillian contributor Alex Soto (@alexsotob) found some time to briefly walk us through what Arquillian is, and how it works and deep dives into the new extension called Cube which is an extension that can be used to manager Docker containers from Arquillian. With this extension you can start a Docker container with a server installed, deploy the required deployable file within it and execute Arquillian tests. The key point here is that if Docker is used as deployable platform in production, your tests are executed in a the same container as it will be in production, so your tests are even more real than before.

Alex is a software engineer architect in Scytl Secure Electronic Voting and he is focused in enterprise technologies based on the Java platform. He has over a decade of experience in the Java world, yet continually renews his skill set by learning new aptitudes and technologies every day.
He is a passionate of Java world and he believes in the open source software model, free software, and open standards and how they can help companies to delivery software faster and safer. Alex is the creator of NoSQLUnit project and team member of Arquillian and Asciidoctor. Currently he is a member of JSR374 (Java API for JSON Processing) Expert Group, coordinator at Barcelona JUG and organizer of JBcnConf. Moreover he collaborates with Tomitribe, the company behind Apache TomEE.
Alex has contributed to DZone site, TheServerSide web, Methods and Tools magazine and RebelLabs blog and currently he is writing a book for Manning about Arquillian. Moreover he is an international speaker, presenting his talks at software conferences like Devoxx, LinuxTag, Codemotion, Guatemala JavaDays, JavaLand or GeeCon.
Alex is also the curator of blog, a place to talk about Java world, testing automation and continuous delivery in a practical way. In his free time, he spends time with his wife and daughters.

Time to sit back, relax and learn. Warning: This is a little longer, than just a #coffee+++ break!

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